Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy Belated Samhain?

Sorry I haven't written in a while! I've had a lot going on lately, and I've completely neglected Seven Roads... Sorry!
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I hope you all had a wonderful Samhain! I know mine was great, and now I can't wait for Yule!

Anyways, I wrote a poem just before Samhain, and I suddenly realized that Seven Roads would be a great place to share it!

Well, here goes nothing...

I've titled "Samhain" ...y'know, short and sweet.

The sun goes down
And lights explode
Faeries and demons
Don't you know
It's Samhain, Halloween
Night of the dead
The veil
Between the worlds
It shrinks, it thins
It disappears
Spirits, creatures
Living and the dead
Coming out
Coming together
As one
From one world
In one place, one time
One dance, one ball
Masquerading to and fro
Samhain, Halloween
Darkness is the light
Faeries dancing
Making it bright
Dreams coming true
Praying, too
That never may it end
Dancing, playing
Red leaves, golden hair
Pointed ears, green leaves
Intertwined, never ending
Falling, rising
Samhain, Halloween
Night of the living
Night of the dead

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